
Hieronder staan van onze mooiste of invloedrijkste dieren de stambomen. Klik op de naam van de koe en bekijk de stamboom, foto’s en prestaties van het dier!

Our most influence or beautiful Dexters. Click the name and see everything about the animal.


Herikehoeve Little Boy, VG89, Our first herd bull.

Mauhin Oakley VG86, Reserve Champion 2014, Our second herd bull, import from Belgium

Stuyvenberghof Poldark POLLED VG87, Our third herd bull, import from Belgium.

PorcPrunus Nico VG86, Overall Champion 2015  Oakley x Moon

PorcPrunus Farao, Best Bull 2016, Boerhoes Barack x Still-Going Elsje

PorcPrunus Hendrik, EX90 homebred, born out of a Breoch import cow (Breoch Goldies Girl) sire:Breoch Truffle

Vreugdenberg Bryan VG86 Woodmagic Hedgehog 4th AI out of a import Harron cow.


PorcPrunus Horus = PorcPrunus Farao x PorcPrunus Gelsey Ron

Vreugdenberg Enzo RED = PorcPrunus Hendrik x Harron Sylvia

Tiggeloven Boris Pp = PorcPrunus Quintana Pp (Grossensee Arion x Breoch Phlox) x Assen Jara (Wildhof Lukas x Mauhin Oakley)


PorcPrunus Cleo VG87          Little Boy x Boerhoes Bertha

Kruiswijk Moon EX90, Overall Champion 2016

PorcPrunus Nicky VG87       Oakley x Moon

Breoch Phlox, GP84 UK import

Harron Fleur, GP83,UK import

PorcPrunus Olga Pp VG89       Poldark x Noor

PorcPrunus Onora Pp               Poldark x Noor

PorcPrunus Nina Pp                  Poldark x Moon

PorcPrunus Okkie Pp VG85     Poldark x Nicky

PorcPrunus Gelsey Ron            Harron Lucky Shaman x Harron Fleur

PorcPrunus Geke                        Nico x Fleur

PorcPrunus Quibus                   Nico x Phlox

PorcPrunus Odet      VG89       Dijkgraaf Lars x Noor

PorcPrunus Drieka                   Grossensee Arion (AI) x Cleo

PorcPrunus Pien       VG85      Farao x Olga

PorcPrunus Noet                      Farao x Moon

We are enthousiast about Woodmagic bloodlines. This is a summery from Woodmagic males: woodmagic-vaderlijnen