PorcPrunus Hendrik EX90

PorcPrunus Hendrik 3years old AV87

 PorcPrunus Hendrik PorcPrunus Hendrik2 PorcPrunus Hendrik1

pictures of Hendrik at 2 years old.

PorcPrunus Hendrik

Birth date: 21-07-2015 Color: Black with red and dun recessive

Lineair Score:

2,6 years: 111 cm; frame: 87, type:87, legs:87, overall: VG87

5 years: EX90 !


Breoch Truffle
Cobthorn Dannyboy
Cobthorn Dolman
Cobthorn Dorincourt
Cobthorn Dolly

Cobthorn Dandelion

Cobthorn Dorincourt
Cobthorn Columbine
Breoch Peewit
Breoch Sultan
Apple Joe
Harron Sunbeam
Leap Mill Peeweet
Woodmagic Roebuck
Ploverhill Fuchsia

Breoch Goldie’s Girl

Breoch Sultan
Apple Joe
Mayberry Bill
Apple Blossom
Harron Sunbeam
Butterbox Morris
Harron Sable
Harron Sunday’s Gold
Arbory Reuben
Arbory Eirik
Harron Ruby
Fernvale Sunday Rose
Saltaire Peter Pan
Springfarm Rosie


2017 Charlotte, Sammy, Toby, Hein en Helena

2018 5 progeny on other farms +

2-8-2018 heifer PorcPrunus Daisy Black

18-8-2018 heifer PorcPrunus Petra Polled Red

Daisy and Petra, in background Paulet, Hettie and Rebus

18-9-2018 steer Orion Red

22-10-2018 steer Eddy Wally Red

23-10-2018 heifer Paulet Dun

27-10-2018 heifer Rebus Black (export Belgium)

2-11-2018 heifer Hettie Red (export Belgium)

PorcPrunus Rebus and PorcPrunus Hettie

22-01-2019 heifer PorcPrunus Pebbles (black)

05-02-2019 steer PorcPrunus Noppie Red

22-02-2019 bull PorcPrunus Hurricane Red

25-02-2019 bull PorcPrunus Galileo Black

19-03-2019  steer PorcPrunus Pinokkio Black

2019: 9 calfs on other farms: one of them: Vreugdenberg Enzo RED

3-11-2019 heifer PorcPrunus Erna

2020: 11 calfs on other farms

2021: 1 calf on other farms

Totaal: 44 calfs