Harron Fleur
birth date: 08/10/2012 Color: Black (with red recessive RF+)
Harron Fleur in may 2017, in-calf.
Fleur in december 2015
Harron Fleur in the middle, Breoch Phlox on the right with their heifer calves born may 2015
Lineair Score:
3 years, 96 cm; frame: 84 ; type: 84 ; legs: 84 ; udder: 79 ; overall: 83
Sire: Arnaby Rob Roy EX92
Dam: Harron Flurry
26/05/2015 PorcPrunus Gelsey Ron (sire: Harron Shaman) black female
21/05/2016 PorcPrunus Geke (sire: PorcPrunus Nico) red female
10/06/2017 red bullcalf died (sire: Planetree Talos)
25/02/2019 PorcPrunus Galileo (sire: PorcPrunus Hendrik) black bullcalf
PorcPrunus Galileo
29/01/2020 PorcPrunus Giel (s: Vreugdenberg Bryan) Black Steer
17/12/2020 PorcPrunus Gouwe (s: Vreugdenberg Bryan) Black male
2021 Ran with Vreugdenberg Enzo