Harron Fleur

Harron Fleur

birth date: 08/10/2012 Color: Black (with red recessive RF+)

Harron Fleur 7 years with Galileo

Harron FleurHarron Fleur in may 2017, in-calf.


Harron Fleur

Harron Fleur december 2015

HarronFleur FrontFleur in december 2015


Fleur Gelsey Qiana Phlox

Harron Fleur in the middle, Breoch Phlox on the right with their heifer calves born may 2015

Lineair Score:

3 years, 96 cm; frame: 84 ; type: 84 ; legs: 84 ; udder: 79 ; overall: 83


Sire: Arnaby Rob Roy EX92

Dam: Harron Flurry


26/05/2015 PorcPrunus Gelsey Ron (sire: Harron Shaman) black female

21/05/2016 PorcPrunus Geke (sire: PorcPrunus Nico) red female

10/06/2017 red bullcalf died (sire: Planetree Talos)

25/02/2019 PorcPrunus Galileo (sire: PorcPrunus Hendrik) black bullcalf

PorcPrunus Galileo

29/01/2020 PorcPrunus Giel (s: Vreugdenberg Bryan) Black Steer

17/12/2020 PorcPrunus Gouwe (s: Vreugdenberg Bryan) Black male

2021 Ran with Vreugdenberg Enzo